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Showing posts from December, 2020

BMS Organics Weekly Essential Combo 每周必需品配套

Covid-19疫情期间出门太麻烦了,不止出门前要做好防护措施,回家了也要彻底清洁,生怕出门期间不小心就遇到感染的风险了。 虽然但是,菜还是要买的,不然就没有食物吃了。 好消息是BMS Organics推出了『Weekly Essential Combo 每周必需品配套』含有: 蔬菜、蘑菇、黑豆豆腐、面包、虾青素蛋、奶等等 无论小家庭(2-3pax)或大家庭(4-5pax)都有提供,适合不同的家庭! 线上订购1次就再也不必烦恼每个星期出门买菜咯!而且每个星期安排把新鲜农产品稳稳送到我们家门口 除了更节俭、更方便,更重要的是:「有机」产品不含化学农药,让家人们吃得安心、健康 点击订购来这里: 好康分享,即日起, 在BMS网站结账时使用voucher code: A61,就能获得10%的折扣哦! 大家千万不要错过啦! 猜你感兴趣: BMS Organics 网购服务开跑啦,免费获取10%折扣 BMS Organics『Weekly Essential Combo』order one time and no longer have to worry about going out for your grocery every week!  More saving, more convenient, and what's more: -Organic products do not contain chemical substances, allowing you and your family to eat healthily -delivery of the fresh produce to weekly -This combo includes: vegetables, mushrooms, black bean tofu, bread, astaxanthin eggs, milk -Either for small family (2-3pax) or large family (4-5pax) combo are available! Click to order online: