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是有名的屋檐下的椰浆饭(Nasi Lemak Bumbung)






×就在maybank前,所以这里又名nasi lemak maybank






小总结:搜寻过不同的blog,发现这里好久没有起价了,nasi lemak ayam 依然是RM4.50, 普通的则是RM2.50. 实在是价廉物美啊,服务速度也很快,所以是值得一试的!是不是最好吃的椰浆饭?等我先尝了这有名的十大椰浆饭吧!


Nasi Lemak Bumbung, Seapark PJ
Address: Jalan 21/11B, Seapark, 46300 Petaling Jaya.




1. Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa
Address: 7C, Jalan Raja Muda Musa, Kampung Baru, 50200 Kuala Lumpur.
Kampung Baru is the unofficial nasi lemak central of the valley, and Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa is one of the best you can find in the area. The sambal is undoubtedly the clincher for the dish. According to Bernsy, "The taste of their sambal is just out of this world, something I would use as a benchmark to compare other nasi lemak with." Wow, that says a lot! Also, the accompanying dishes like chicken and beef rendang, sambal sotong and kari paru (cow lungs) are a hit with customers.

2. Nasi Lemak Bumbung, Seapark PJ
Address: Jalan 21/11B, Seapark, 46300 Petaling Jaya.
Some call this place "Maybank Nasi Lemak" because it is situated directly next to Maybank. It's the good ol' traditional nasi lemak, served with banana leaf. The sambal isn't too spicy and has just the right tinge of sweetness. The rice is fragrant while the fried chicken is tender and nicely marinated. For more details, check this out!

3. R.A. Nasi Lemak
Address: 15 Jalan Raja Abdullah, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur.
The nasi lemak here is served buffet style. R.A.’s rice is steamed in the traditional wooden barrel, making each grain fluffy and separate. You can choose to have your nasi lemak with the thick sambal and usual condiments of peanuts, ikan bilis, hard boiled egg (RM1.50) or add extras from a selection of accompanying dishes, including its famously crunchy deep fried paru (cow lungs).

4. Village Park Restaurant (Uptown Damansara)
Address: 5, Jalan SS21/37, Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya.
This shop is always crowded during lunchtime so try to be there earlier to beat the lunchtime crowd. The rice here is very fragant with coconut milk. For those who can't take spicy food, this is the place for you as the sambal is not overly spicy and yet tasty. There are also a variety of side dishes to choose from, from sambal petai to chicken, beef and sotong.

5. C.T. Garden Nasi Lemak (aka Nasi Lemak Stadium Sulaiman)
Address: Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur.
C.T. Garden is packed from dinner time until the wee hours, partly because of its super cheap nasi lemak (only RM0.60 per packet). Though the rice is slightly wet, the sambal packs a punch. One packet is never enough so don’t be surprised to see people wolfing down a few packets in one go.

6. Nasi Lemak @ Selera Jaya 223
Address: Selera Jaya 223, Jalan 223, 46100 Petaling Jaya.
There are two nasi lemak offerings at this food court - Suri's and Yati's. The difference between the two is that Suri's is spicier while Yati's is sweeter. Both are served piping hot and are really cheap at only RM1.20 per packet. Those not familiar with the area can look out for the Amway building, situated right opposite the food court.

7. Nasi Lemak Famous
Address: Corner of Bangsar Selera Food Court, Jalan Telawi 1, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.
Well with a name like that, the nasi lemak has got to be at least worth a mention - and it is. The jewel of this dish is their fried chicken . They constantly churn out baskets of freshly fried chicken which are really good and are snapped up fast.

8. Restoran Anggerik
Address: USJ 2/2C, 47500 Subang Jaya.
This unassuming restaurant serves wonderful daging rendang. The meat is tender and best of all, it comes with absolutely addictive gravy. You also get to pick from a spread of fried chicken, rendang ayam and kari ayam

9. Jalan Prima Setapak Nasi Lemak
Location: Beside Prima Setapak Condo & Prima Setapak Wet Market.
This self-service nasi lemak stall has a perpetual long queue. The fried chicken is really good here, with 2 flavours to choose from: spicy or original. There are also various side dishes you don't find often, such as curry stingray, ikan kembung wrapped with pandan leaf, stir fried brinjals&chillies, among others.

10. Nasi Lemak Tanglin
Address: Nasi Lemak Tanglin, Gerai No. 6, Kompleks Makan Tanglin, Jalan Cendarasari, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.

The Sambal Sotong here is really great-tasting. Unlike other stalls, their sotong is not rubbery. Another great thing to have is their Sambal Limpa (Beef Liver) which is also tender but has a slight bite to it. The sambal is not too spicy and is also really delicious with a slight nutty taste. Read this for more!



  1. Jalan Prima Setapak Nasi Lemak

  2. 喂喂,营养师吃NASI LEMAK不可以那么公开哦。XD

  3. Haha, 文 was caught by 行凡. Haha.

  4. livy: 我也不清楚它的确实地点,网上也很少关于这一间的资料,你不妨去试一试!


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